Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Taming my WiLD man!

I'm slowing realizing that life as a lazy mom, ie eating bon bons and watching soaps while my baby coos away, is OVER! At fifteen months old, the world is incredible and exciting. In order to feed a ravenous sense of curiousity - such as Zac's - one must employ creative diversion tactics.

My most recent ploy ... make him do housework with me! It works like a charm.

Just this morning "we" swept, wiped down all the cabinets, and picked up toys. Tomorrow, I'm shooting for poopy patrol, weed eating and garage clean up - wait, he is only little over a year. Guess I'll have to wait on those.

Onward as my wild man grows upward!

Friday, May 18, 2007

Finicky Eaters Anonymous?

Hi, my name is Zac, and I am a finicky eater.

I wasn't always this way ... just a few months ago, I prided myself on eating anything and everything. Nothing was off limits in my all-you-can-eat-buffet world. Bananas? LOVED them! Grapes? Couldn't get enough of them (especially AT the grocery store). Mama's homemade apple sauce? ADORED it. These days, though, I'm not so into anything.

My mama has more than once voiced her frustration about my new style of consumption. I enjoy watching her frantically rummage through kitchen cabinets and refrigerator drawers trying to find that one special thing I'll be into at that moment. Doesn't she know that my tastebuds are changing every millisecond? Doesn't she also know that I have better things to do (like play outside!) than to wait for her to figure it out?

So, until I can actually say (instead of type, of course) "finicky eater". I guess I'm out of luck for a meeting and will have to aggravate my mama for some time to come.

Friday, May 4, 2007

Zac takes maia for a walk. So much fun!